Canvas Reproductions

In response to frequent requests to purchase Wheels of Friendship reproductions, we are pleased to make these available. Printed onto canvas at Dan’s Camera City for superior quality and longevity, these reproductions are hand-stretched over hardwood ready-to-hang frames. Canvas prints are available in two sizes as shown below and will be ready approximately two weeks after ordering. Pick them up at Dan’s Camera City (Nazareth/Easton or Allentown) to save on shipping costs.

Print Options $150 – Large $75 – Small
Drive Toward Inclusion. 24 x 36 12 x 18
Inclusion in Bloom. 24 x 36 12 x 18
The Keys to Friendship. (with acceptance) 36 x 24 18 x 12
The Keys to Friendship. (with love) 36 x 24 18 x 12
Kids Sprinkle Kindness. 14 x 40 8 x 24
One World. Many Friends. 30 x 36 15 x 18
Rainbow of Love 24 x 24 15 x 15
With Liberty and Justice. For ALL. 20 x 36 10 x 18
Large reproductions are wrapped on 1 1/2″ deep frames.
Small reproductions are wrapped on 5/8″ deep frames.

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Inspiring kids of all abilities to share the message of inclusion...